Join the Network — Fire Adapted NM

Click here to connect with FACNM and join the mailing list!

The FAC NM Network is designed to support its members as they work to increase their communities’ wildfire resilience.

We have three levels of involvement:

  1. Leaders

  2. Members

  3. Affiliates

Leaders have primary access to many perks, including a new microgrant program, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and assistance from network coordinators and fire professionals. Learn more about being a FACNM Leader.

Members have access to resources as well, including a member-only mailing list, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and tools for becoming fire-adapted.

Affiliates have access to blog posts, publications, webinars, and tips for being fire adapted.

Learn more about our membership structure, including the differences between, expectations, and perks of joining the network at each level.


Click here to be added to our mailing list to receive news about upcoming events and blog posts.

Follow Fire Adapted New Mexico on Facebook.


Joining as a Member adds you to the mailinglist but also adds you to the statewide directory. Becoming a member allows you to connect with the network and work with your fellow FACNM member towards wildfire preparedness.

To join the network go to the directory here:

Click the add button at the top of the map. Once you create an account you can add a few details about your self and you will added to the directory.


If you are ready to join the network as a Leader please join as a member through the directory and then visit the FACNM leader page and follow the instructions there.

Also remember to join our forum where you can interact with FAC NM Network members from around the state.