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 Community Leadership Resources

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County-level leadership

Community-level leadership

County-level leadership

County Leadership Guide

How can counties support fire adapted communities in New Mexico? The County Leadership Guide to Help Communities Become More Fire Adapted and Learn to Live with Wildland Fire is great resource from our partners at National Association of Counties, Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, Firewise USA, and Western Region National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. This resource provides tips for county leadership, talking points for county leadership pre, during and post fire season, and customizable social media suggestions.

Title III Funding

Also see this guidance on Title III funding uses for Counties to promote wildfire adaption. Among a few specific uses this funding can be used to develop CWPPs and support Firewise communities with education and fuels treatments.

Community-level leadership

Resources for Private Forest Landowners in New Mexico - Technical and financial assistance for forest landowners interested in thinning or other projects on private land

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