Wildfire Preparedness is Year-Round — Fire Adapted NM

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Wildfire Preparedness is Year-Round

There are actions you can take throughout the year to be prepared for a wildfire and increase wildfire resiliency in your communities. Check out the Wildfire Preparedness features every month for helpful resources, upcoming events and ways to get involved!


October: The Importance of Prescribed Burning in New Mexico

In New Mexico, the fall season traditionally marks the beginning of prescribed burning operations by various land management agencies and private landowners. During this period, the public can anticipate increased visibility of smoke in certain areas as fuel treatment activities are implemented.

August: Most Wildfires are Human-Caused

It’s important to remember the main reason wildfires start — human activity. Humans – like you and us – making simple mistakes that can have devastating consequences. Nationally, humans cause nearly 90% of all fires in the United States. In New Mexico since 2019, humans have caused 70% percent of all fires, burning one million acres and costing $52.6 million dollars. 

July: Celebrate with One Less Spark

In New Mexico, July usually marks the beginning of monsoon season, and with monsoons comes lightning, but not always rain. As Fourth of July approaches, remember fireworks are always illegal on federal lands in New Mexico no matter what day of the year. Let’s work together to prevent unwanted human-caused fires for the month of July!


Upcoming Events

For a full list of network events, visit the FACNM Events page.


Join the Network

Whether you are a seasoned wildland fire fighter, forester, or resident living in a wildland urban interface (WUI), there is a place for you in the Fire Adapted New Mexico Learning Network (FACNM)! FACNM is a statewide network of people willing to take collective action to increase wildfire resilience and share resources. Learn more about FACNM memberships and work with your fellow members towards wildfire preparedness.