FACNM Leaders — Fire Adapted NM

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What is a FAC NM Leader?

FAC NM Leaders take a greater role in helping their communities improve their fire adaptation. A FAC NM Leader is someone you or your neighbor can look to for advice on what to do to reduce wildfire risk. FAC NM Leaders are the engine of the FAC NM Network. Experience has shown that collaboration is one of the most effective ways to reduce wildfire risk. Sharing resources, whether they be financial, labor, or ideas, helps FAC NM Leaders have an outsized impact in their communities. Collaboration only works if there are active participants. Organizing community chipper days, responding to a question on the FAC NM forum, sharing a success story about a neighborhood firewood removal program are all examples of how FAC NM Leaders can help drive the FAC NM Network.

To help guide FAC NM Leaders through the process of becoming and acting in this important role in their communities, FAC NM members collaborated to create the FAC NM Leader Guidebook. The Guidebook will empower FAC NM Leaders to find solutions and next steps, not necessarily provide them. It provides an overview of a few well-established methods for assessing wildfire risk, identifying community assets, proactively planning for widlfire preparedness, and other useful planning tools. The Guidebook, nor the FAC NM Leader program in general, is meant to replace any already established programs or tools.

Learn more about the different FACNM membership levels through the FACNM Membership Structure Guide. Once you’ve determined the level of involvement which best suites your interest and capacity, Join the Network!

Reasons to become a FAC NM Leader:

Eligibility for Microgrants

FAC NM is pleased to offer grants of up to $2,000 to network Leaders and Members seeking financial assistance with:

  • convening wildfire preparedness events,

  • enabling on-the-ground community fire risk mitigation work, or

  • developing grant proposals for the sustainable longevity of their Fire Adapted Community endeavor.

Proposals demonstrating community benefit or FAC capacity building will be considered on a semi-annual basis. Grantees will have twelve months from the time of award to utilize the funds.

Learn more about the microgrant program

Grant Writing Assistance

FACNM Leaders have access to the network coordinator for assistance with project proposal development and grant writing.

Peer-to-Peer Learning

Utilize a shared workspace and direct chat to connect with other FAC Leaders and Members.

Leader Toolkit

Access resources such as:

  • meetings with subject matter experts,

  • Leader toolkits with tips for engagement, ideas for actions, and more,

  • best practices for event coordination,

  • facilitation guides,

  • talking points,

  • guide for network building, and

  • cross-promotion of your events through the FACNM newsletter

How to join the network as a Leader:

1.      Apply to join FAC NM: click below and select the option for “leader”

2.      Complete the short FAC NM Leader form (click the button below)

3.      Connect with a FAC mentor (facilitated by FAC NM staff)

4.      Complete the FAC NM Leader Assessment and review with FAC mentor

5.      Upload completed FAC NM Leader Assessment to the “FAC NM Leader Assessments” forum category on www.facnm.org.

6.      Congratulations, you’re now a FAC NM Leader! Keep up the good work!

Also remember to join our forum where you can interact with FAC NM Network members from around the state.

Meet some of our leaders!