FAC NM members are the Network.
By joining the network as an Affiliate, Member, or Leader, you will have access to the knowledge and resources of professionals and WUI residents from around the state. You can do everything from search the FAC NM member directory by location if you are looking for help where you live to search for a professional who may have the specific knowledge to help you apply for a grant to create defensible space on your property.
Everyone starts with an interest in living with fire. Joining as a FAC NM Affiliate is a great place to begin as someone who is interested in learning more and may like to participate in public events. For those looking to connect with their peers and dive deeper into the world of Fire Adapted Communities, consider joining as a FAC NM Member. If you are interested in taking on a leadership role within the Network and bringing your community together, we have the FAC Leader program.
After applying to join the network as a leader, member, or affiliate, Join the Directory by clicking the ADD button. Create your account and fill in the information.
Click the Connect button on someone’s profile to contact that FACNM Member via email.