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Webinar: Supporting Prescribed Fire in New Mexico

Join FACNM as we discuss New Mexico's new certified burn program and ways to responsibly and safely increase implementation of prescribed fire across jurisdictions and land boundaries in the state! This presentation is open to practitioners, leaders, and members of the public.

Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division, will talk about the newly released certified burn program, including its progress, basis in law, and certification. Brian will walk attendees through the steps necessary to become a certified burn manager along with some of the benefits of going through the program. Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild, will give a refresher on the All Hands All Lands burn team, a collaborative group of fire-qualified professionals who add capacity where needed to ensure that prescribed burns can be carried out safely and effectively. Presenters: Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division; Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild.

When: Thursday, December 7 from 2:00-3:00pm MT
Where: Zoom (registration required) or Facebook Live
Who: Presenters Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division, and Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild