Events — Fire Adapted NM

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Federal Grants Compliance and Audit Requirements Webinar Series: Best Practices and Watch-outs Pt. 2
1:00 PM13:00

Federal Grants Compliance and Audit Requirements Webinar Series: Best Practices and Watch-outs Pt. 2

This two-part series will focus on how to prepare for audit-related requirements associated with federal dollars, including best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.

There is a separate 4-part webinar series on The Basics of Federal Grant Management by the same hosts that you can dig into for more information!

The series is hosted by the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network | FACNET and the Watershed Research and Training Center, with presentations by the team with Clark Nuber Accounting and Consulting. The intended audience is communities and partners who have been awarded federal grants, or who plan to apply for federal funding in the coming year. This training will be of particular value to organizations who anticipate meeting the threshold for a Single Audit.

Session 2 will cover: single Audit preparation, best practices, and common pitfalls and implications of a Single Audit finding. 

Learn more about session one in the series.

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The Basics of Federal Grant Management Webinar: Trainings for community-based applicants and awardees
12:30 PM12:30

The Basics of Federal Grant Management Webinar: Trainings for community-based applicants and awardees

The Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network and the Watershed Research and Training Center are partnering with Kelley Nonprofit Consulting on this four-part series intended to help communities better understand key requirements for successfully managing federal funding. 

The intended audience is partners and communities that receive funding through federal grants or agreements, or are considering applying for federal opportunities in the future. This is the final webinar in our series but will still be useful to folks just tuning in. The Watershed Center will also have recordings of the prior three sessions available here.

Sessions 1-3 have already passed, but session 4 in the series will cover risk mitigation and continuous improvement.

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Federal Grants Compliance and Audit Requirements Webinar Series: Best Practices and Watch-outs Pt. 1
11:30 AM11:30

Federal Grants Compliance and Audit Requirements Webinar Series: Best Practices and Watch-outs Pt. 1

This two-part series will focus on how to prepare for audit-related requirements associated with federal dollars, including best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.

There is a separate 4-part webinar series on The Basics of Federal Grant Management by the same hosts that you can dig into for more information!

The series is hosted by the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network | FACNET and the Watershed Research and Training Center, with presentations by the team with Clark Nuber Accounting and Consulting. The intended audience is communities and partners who have been awarded federal grants, or who plan to apply for federal funding in the coming year. This training will be of particular value to organizations who anticipate meeting the threshold for a Single Audit.

Session 1 will cover: federal grants management regulations, best practices, and common pitfalls and an introduction to Single Audit requirements.

Learn more about session two in the series.

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1:00 PM13:00

Webinar: Home Hazard Assessments: Back to Basics

In this webinar from Fire Adapted Communities NM, knowledgeable fire and forestry professionals from New Mexico and Colorado will introduce an important fire risk and readiness tool: Home Hazard Assessments (HHAs). Topics covered will include guidance and digital and printed tools to complete HHAs, local partners who can guide the process or travel to complete HHAs on-site alongside property owners and residents, how different Assessment programs are structured, why HHAs are an important fire readiness tool, how county ordinances and insurance providers can influence the need for HHAs, and what opportunities may open up as a result of completing them. Join us on May 22 to learn about Home Hazard Assessment and find out how you can access this tool!

What: Webinar on Home Hazard Assessments (HHAs), hosted by FACNM
: Wednesday, May 22 from 1:00-2:00pm
Where: Zoom; registration is required and a recording will be available
Who: Open to the community with presenters Porfirio Chavarria of City of Santa Fe Fire, Dick Cooke of Village of Ruidoso, and Kyle McCatty of Wildfire Partners.

This presentation is the third and final in the FACNM Spring 2024 webinar series.

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10:00 AM10:00

Wildfire and Insurance Webinar - Office of State Superintendent of Insurance

Wildfire and Insurance Webinar with Office of State Superintendent

Wednesday, May 22nd, 10am-11am

Click here to join the meeting

The safety and insurance challenges faced by New Mexicans due to escalating wildfires and catastrophes have put our state at a tipping point where public policymakers and government agencies must collaborate on statewide and community solutions to further protect our citizens and properties.

With that common goal, the Office of Insurance Superintendent (OSI) is hosting exclusive presentations for state legislators, and leaders from other state entities by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) We will be offering a webinar on May 22, 2024 at 10:00am, as well as an in-person presentation by IBHS on June 26, 2024, in Santa Fe at Apodaca Hall located in the PERA building. IBHS is leading scientific property mitigation research that provides real-world solutions for home and business owners, helping to create more resilient communities and ultimately making them more insurable. The presentation will cover the science behind fire, ember travel among vulnerable areas, and how to effectively make affordable changes, by providing information on home-hardening. If you are interested in joining us for the IBHS presentations, please click the options below to RSVP.

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Partner webinar: An Evolution in Thinking About Fire - A Panel Discussion
2:30 PM14:30

Partner webinar: An Evolution in Thinking About Fire - A Panel Discussion

Please join the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, the Southern Rockies Fire Science Network, and partners from the San Juan National Forest and the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station for a panel discussion about an evolution in thinking about fire!

In 2023, fire managers on the San Juan National Forest in southern CO and their partners faced many of the same challenges they face every summer; however, this fire season, they chose to react differently. By embracing different ways of thinking about fire and communicating difficult tradeoffs effectively with partners, forest officials improved relationships and aligned support through several large, long duration events. In this 90-minute panel discussion, SJNF fire managers follow up on a just-released documentary video of the same name to reflect on 2023 fire response decisions and discuss how reflexive thinking obscured certain management opportunities. Their experience models ‘an evolution,’ a shift toward more nuanced, risk-informed, and strategic fire response, and it informs ongoing research around fire and risk decisions. This panel discussion provides an opportunity to engage with these managers and learn from their experience and shift toward more nuanced, risk-informed, and strategic fire response.

Prior to joining us on May 16, please watch the full ‘Evolution in Thinking’ video around which this presentation is centered.

What : Panel discussion with fire managers and staff from the San Juan National Forest about shifts in thinking that are changing the way the forest approaching fire management and response.
: Thursday, May 16, 2:30-4:00 Mountain Time
Where : Zoom; register here
Who : panelists include Josh Peck, Pagosa District Ranger; Pat Seekins, Fuels Program Manager; Tracy Milakovic, Pagosa Fire Management Officer; Lorena Williams, Public Affairs Specialist; Dana Guinn, Southwest Partnership Manager (Forest Stewards Guild)

This webinar is co-hosted by the Arizona Wildfire Initiative

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12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs)

Join FACNM for this this 1-hour webinar on Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs)! Abigail Plecki of New Mexico State Forestry Division and Kenzie Hartt of The Ember Alliance will introduce the basics and importance of CWPPs, talk about guidelines and best practices, and discuss planning for equity and inclusivity in community wildfire protection. Come with your questions to learn more about CWPPs and access guiding resources for your CWPP publication or update!

What: Webinar on the basics and importance of CWPPs, hosted by FACNM
: Tuesday, April 16 from 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Zoom; registration is required and a recording will be available
Who: Open to the community with presenters Kenzi Hartt and Abigail Plecki

This presentation is the second in the FACNM Spring 2024 webinar series.

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12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Community Navigators Program

Image courtesy of CNP facilitator, the Hispanic Access Foundation

Join Gabe Kohler of the Forest Stewards Guild and Emery Cowan of The Watershed Center to learn about the Community Navigators Program. This nationally-organized and locally-led effort pairs trained individuals in the community, called Navigators, with underserved, rural, and vulnerable populations to learn about fire and climate preparedness and increase local capacity to secure funding and respond to these challenges. Emery will introduce the intent of the Program at a national scale and discuss organizations involved in facilitating the CNP, while Gabe will get into the details of how CNP may be accessed and applied within New Mexico. Tune-in to this this 1-hour webinar to learn about the Program and find out how you can get involved!

What: Webinar on the newly-launch Community Navigators Program, hosted by FACNM
: Friday, March 29 from 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Zoom; registration is required and a recording will be available
Who: Open to the community with presenters Gabe Kohler and Emery Cowan

This presentation is the first in the FACNM Spring 2024 webinar series.

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2:30 PM14:30

Bi-Monthly Connection Call for Members & Leaders

Hello FACNM Members and Leaders! 


Join us on Wednesday, March 27th from 2:30-3:30 PM (MST) for this interactive peer call. We will review what came out of our last connection call, discuss Wildfire Preparedness Day/Month events, the difference between Firewise and FAC, social vulnerability, and leave time for a round robin.

The link to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed to all network members in the weeks leading up to the call.

If you're not able to join the call, remember that you can always connect with other members and leaders through the member directory.

These connection calls are a resource offered to members of the FACNM learning network. If you are interested in participating in a call but are not yet a member, apply here!

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Bernalillo County Pile Burn Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Bernalillo County Pile Burn Workshop

  • Vista Grande Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet at the Vista Grande Community Center in Sandia Park for the morning classroom portion. The field portion will take place at the Milne-Gutierrez Open Space (12 min. SE of Sandia Park).

This workshop is for forest and fire practitioners and interested landowners to learn about creating prescriptions for pile burning, pile construction, PPE, containment, and permitting. The workshop will include both classroom and field components and will introduce attendees to the State's Certified Burn Manager Program.

*NOTE: Lunch will be provided to participants*


10:00 am – CLASSROOM: State burner program, prescriptions, permitting

12:00 pm – FIELD: Pile construction, containment, PPE

2:00 pm – Wrap up

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Webinar: Supporting Prescribed Fire in New Mexico
2:00 PM14:00

Webinar: Supporting Prescribed Fire in New Mexico

Join FACNM as we discuss New Mexico's new certified burn program and ways to responsibly and safely increase implementation of prescribed fire across jurisdictions and land boundaries in the state! This presentation is open to practitioners, leaders, and members of the public.

Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division, will talk about the newly released certified burn program, including its progress, basis in law, and certification. Brian will walk attendees through the steps necessary to become a certified burn manager along with some of the benefits of going through the program. Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild, will give a refresher on the All Hands All Lands burn team, a collaborative group of fire-qualified professionals who add capacity where needed to ensure that prescribed burns can be carried out safely and effectively. Presenters: Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division; Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild.

When: Thursday, December 7 from 2:00-3:00pm MT
Where: Zoom (registration required) or Facebook Live
Who: Presenters Brian Filip, Prescribed Fire Coordinator with NM EMNRD-Forestry Division, and Sam Berry, Southwest Associate Director with Forest Stewards Guild

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Webinar: Fire, Forests, and People in the Jemez Mountains, NM: The Long View from Tree Rings and Archaeology
12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Fire, Forests, and People in the Jemez Mountains, NM: The Long View from Tree Rings and Archaeology

In this webinar from the Fire Adapted New Mexico learning network, presenter Dr. Thomas Swetnam discusses the long view on fire, forests, and people in the Southwest through the lens of tree rings (dendrochronology) and archaeology.

People have lived within forest landscapes of the Jemez Mountains for centuries. Droughts and wildfires have recurred many times, but ancestral Pueblo populations managed to live within these forests, with no known history of catastrophic fires destroying their villages. In recent decades, however, very large and high intensity wildfires are burning over these landscapes and the ruins of ancestral villages, as well as in modern housing developments. How did Puebloan people live within fire-prone landscapes at relatively high population densities for centuries in what was essentially a sustainable human-natural system? Researchers have attempted to answer this question over the past decade with an inter-disciplinary research team of tree-ring scientists, anthropologists, archaeologists, ecological modelers, education and outreach specialists.

In this presentation, Dr. Swetnam will focus on findings from tree-ring studies of fire, climate and forest dynamics, along with archaeological research aimed at reconstructing human population changes over the past 400 years. Although the past is not a perfect guide for the future, the history of people, forests and fires in the Jemez Mountains provides useful insights for restoring and living within resilient forest landscapes today.

View the webinar by registering through Zoom or by joining through Facebook Live on November 14 at 12:00pm.

This webinar is part of FACNM’s fall webinar series all about different aspects of prescribed fire. Click on the flyer to learn more about all presentations in the series, including the last one on December 7! Click here to view a recording of the first webinar in the series which happened on October 11.

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6th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop
to Nov 9

6th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop

This event is being hosted by a partner organization with close ties to the Fire Adapted Learning Network.

The International Association of Wildland Fire in partnership with the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) and its three regional strategy committees, invite you to register and attend the 6th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop, November 6-9, 2023 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

WFLC has affirmed that the Cohesive Strategy remains the solid framework by which all stakeholders can address barriers and identify solutions and actions for today’s complex wildland fire issues. The Cohesive Strategy Addendum Update was released earlier this year and provides a strategic look at the critical emphasis areas and key implementation challenges which were not addressed or have surfaced in the ten years since the development of the original 2014 Cohesive Strategy framework.

This event will take advantage of the unique opportunity to utilize the collective voice and brain trust of Workshop attendees to identify solutions and actions for barriers you’re experiencing, as well as for the Critical Emphasis Areas and Challenges outlined in the Cohesive Strategy Addendum that are keeping us from implementing the Cohesive Strategy at scale. The WFLC and its Western, Northeastern and Southeastern Regions will be pursuing these actions following the Workshop to help overcome barriers and provide further support for implementation of the Cohesive Strategy.

Register now to participate in interactive workshop sessions geared toward audience participation, feedback and barrier-busting to make the most of this exclusive opportunity for everyone.

For more information about the workshop, visit the official website at Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop (

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National Cohesive Strategy - Free Pre-Workshop Training Opportunity
to Nov 5

National Cohesive Strategy - Free Pre-Workshop Training Opportunity

Two trainings associated with the 6th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop, taking place November 6-9, 2023 in Santa Fe, NM, are available through Workshop partners FAC Net, Coalitions and Collaboratives (COCO), and the USDA Forest Service.

When: Saturday and Sunday, November 4-5, 2023
Where: Eldorado Hotel, 309 W San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Cost: free to participate even if participants are not attending the Nov. 6-9 Workshop. Pre-registration is required.
How: register by visiting the workshop registration page using the button below; interested individuals will need to create a user profile and then select the option to register for the pre-workshop training (there is a $0 option to register only for the training and not the workshop). Alternatively, you may register by emailing the event organizers.

Training #1: Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices Training 2-day short course

Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices (CW-MBP) is designed for current or future mitigation specialists, wildfire program leads, and others working with residents and their communities to reduce wildfire risk. CW-MBP training concentrates on science, methods, and tools to help you engage communities and residents while also helping you to eliminate ineffective practices.

Participants should come with a basic understanding of wildfires, how structures ignite, and vegetation management practices. The course assumes you know how to mitigate, but are seeking ways to engage your community. In this workshop, you will work through some of the greatest challenges facing our wildland-urban interface communities with a focus on how to increase engagement with residents and partners. The course will help you break down ineffective practices to make space for the more effective ones with a focus on on-the-ground mitigation activities.

Training #2:  Leading the CWPP Process – Learn how to lead the Community Wildfire Protection Planning process

Over two days, you will learn and practice how to facilitate a CWPP process and leave with templates and access to coaching.

Participants will learn about:

  • Mapping the process of CWPP development

  • Assessing local risk with everyday tools

  • Gathering community input

  • Prioritizing treatments with partners

  • Creating and implementing an action plan

Participants will receive:

  • Ready-to-use CWPP document template

  • Individual coaching after the class

  • Community assessment, survey, and outreach templates

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Webinar: Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure
12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure

In this webinar co-hosted by FACNM and the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Dr. Makoto Kelp discusses how catastrophic wildfires in the western United States pose significant risks to public health, infrastructure, and ecosystems.

As these wildfires become more frequent, there is a growing need for a common methodology to identify suitable locations for prescribed burning aimed at mitigating future wildfire impacts to affected populations and ecosystems. This presentation explores the use of atmospheric chemistry transport modeling, satellite observations, and data from land managers to assess the effectiveness of prescribed burning interventions in reducing potential future wildfire smoke exposure. The presenter offers lessons for states and rural environmental justice communities through a discussion on how implementing preventative prescribed burns in heavily forested areas such as Northern California and the Pacific Northwest may yield substantial net benefits for air quality across the entire western US, while similar interventions in other states would result in comparatively smaller impacts. This presentation is based on a recent publication of the same name:

View the recording on the FACNM Facebook page:
View the recording on the SWFSC YouTube page:

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Partner workshop opportunity: Stewardship in Action, Sept. 26-28, 2023
to Sep 28

Partner workshop opportunity: Stewardship in Action, Sept. 26-28, 2023

The Natural Areas Association (NAA) is hosting a Stewardship in Action Field Workshop in Espanola, New Mexico on the lands of the Santa Clara Pueblo, September 26 - 28, 2023. Rising from Ashes: A Tribe’s Nature-based Approach to Watershed Restoration will highlight an innovative and iconic case study in public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands following a series of catastrophic wildfires. By collaborating with federal agencies and other partners to incorporate indigenous knowledge and values into the recovery planning process, the Santa Clara Pueblo is working to achieve long-term, sustainable resiliency of the watershed. Learn more about the tribe’s journey

The purpose of this Stewardship in Action Field Workshop is to share what was learned by the Santa Clara Pueblo and their many partners and to engage land and water management practitioners from tribal nations, federal and state agencies, and nonprofit organizations from around the continent to exchange information and leverage success to benefit local communities. 

The agenda features both indoor presentations and field experiences. Sessions will explore:

  • public and private collaboration on sovereign tribal lands,

  • process-based restoration and watershed resilience,

  • forestry and fire management,

  • sediment stabilization,

  • native plant restoration,

  • indigenous knowledge,

  • nature-based solutions, and

  • preparing for future climate impacts by working together.

NAA’s field workshops are small by design to provide ample opportunity for peer-to-peer sharing. While the experience will be “priceless,” registration for this three-day workshop, including transportation to field sites, breakfast & lunch each day, a networking reception, and supplemental resources, is $329 per person. Visit the webpage to view the agenda and event details. Scholarships are available.

Participation is first come, first served - and capacity is limited. Interested participants should register or email to express interest and temporarily reserve a spot. 

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9:00 AM09:00

Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) Workshop - Santa Fe, NM

Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) Workshop

July 21, 2023 9:00-1:00

La Cienega Community Center 136 Camino San Jose Santa Fe, NM

Sharpen your CWDG Application with FACNM and New Mexico Forestry Division’s Free Event.

CWDG Workshop Overview and Expectations:

• Lessons Learned from Cycle 1

• CWDG Process Updates

• EMNRD Forestry Division Compliance, Procedures and Resources

• Cycle 2 Application Review from workshop panel – Yes, please bring your most recent application!

The Community Wildfire Defense Program, or CWDG, is intended to help at-risk local communities and Tribes; plan for and reduce the risk of wildfire.  

This program, which was authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, prioritizes at-risk communities in an area identified as having high or very high wildfire hazard potential, are low-income, or have been impacted by a severe disaster that affects the risk of wildfire. More details on these three priorities can be found in the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) below.  


Abigail Plecki – Community Wildfire Defense Grant Coordinator 505-231-3086 |

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9:00 AM09:00

Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) Workshop - Ruidoso, NM

Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) Workshop

July 17, 2023 9:00-1:00 Ruidoso Community Center 501 Sudderth Dr. Ruidoso, NM

Sharpen your CWDG Application with FACNM and New Mexico Forestry Division’s Free Event.

CWDG Workshop Overview and Expectations:

• Lessons Learned from Cycle 1

• CWDG Process Updates

• EMNRD Forestry Division Compliance, Procedures and Resources

• Cycle 2 Application Review from workshop panel – Yes, please bring your most recent application!

The Community Wildfire Defense Program, or CWDG, is intended to help at-risk local communities and Tribes; plan for and reduce the risk of wildfire.  

This program, which was authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, prioritizes at-risk communities in an area identified as having high or very high wildfire hazard potential, are low-income, or have been impacted by a severe disaster that affects the risk of wildfire. More details on these three priorities can be found in the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) below.  


Abigail Plecki – Community Wildfire Defense Grant Coordinator 505-231-3086 |

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Webinar: State of the State - 2023 Forestry Division updates, Wildfire Defense Grants, and fire preparedness resources
3:00 PM15:00

Webinar: State of the State - 2023 Forestry Division updates, Wildfire Defense Grants, and fire preparedness resources

On Thursday, May 11th, Jacob Pederson with NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department – Forestry Division will join FAC NM to discuss the role of Forestry Division before, during, and after fire.

To hear about the Prescribed Fire Act and certified burner training, Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) summer proposal preparation, and how the Forestry Division is innovating, leading, and staying involved with fire preparedness and recovery efforts, please register below or join us on Facebook Live. This webinar is presented in concert with EMNRD.

When: 11 May at 3:00pm MDT
Where: Zoom, FACNM Facebook Live, and EMNRD Facebook Live
Who: NM Forestry Division and FACNM

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Webinar: The Skinny on Smoke - Outlooks, Education and Awareness
2:00 PM14:00

Webinar: The Skinny on Smoke - Outlooks, Education and Awareness

Where there is fire there is smoke, and where there is smoke there are potential impacts on air quality!

How do we know when, where, and for how long our communities are likely to be exposed?

In this one-hour presentation, Air Quality Specialist Kerry Jones will discuss various facets of smoke projections, including what goes into generating seasonal outlooks and fire weather forecasts, the weather conditions that are most conducive to fire and to smoke, and how determinations of air quality are made along with the decision to send air quality advisory alerts out to the public.

A heavy yellow-grey cloud of smoke obscures the sky over a field of golden wheat, with a sliver of unobscured daylight visible on the horizon

A smoke cloud from the 2018 California Camp Fire obscures the daylight over wheat fields near Highway 5.

Please join us to learn about the operational side of smoke forecasting, followed by a facilitated Q&A session where attendees may pose their questions to the presenter.

When: Thursday, March 16th from 2-3pm MT
Where: Zoom and FACNM Facebook Live
Who: Kerry Jones, USFS Air Quality Specialist

Additional upcoming events on smoke readiness

March 22 at 2pm: Smoke Resources Learning Exchange
FAC NM bi-monthly leaders call on Smoke Resources. FAC NM facilitators and leaders will discuss smoke impacts on community health and review resources for equitable smoke preparedness. To join the conversation, consider becoming a FAC NM Leader.

March 21 at 12pm: Strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities
The SW and NW Fire Science Consortiums and Forest Stewards Guild present a one-hour webinar with USFS speaker Rick Graw on proactive and adaptive land management strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities. This webinar focuses on research from the Pacific Northwest but is applicable to land managers and fire adapted communities practitioners everywhere.

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Webinar: Introduction to the Community Mitigation Assistance Team (CMAT)
9:00 AM09:00

Webinar: Introduction to the Community Mitigation Assistance Team (CMAT)

Coalitions and Collaboratives, Inc. (COCO) and the USDA Forest Service invite you to join the community disaster mitigation conversation on March 3rd!

When: Friday, March 3, 2023 from 9-10am MST
Where: Virtual - GoTo Meeting
What: Introduction to CMAT
How: Register by clicking the button below or by visiting

Come learn from a team of experts about the Community Mitigation Assistance Team (CMAT) national interagency resource, how it can benefit your community, and how to access its resources. The CMATs are available to help your community develop and implement strategic plans, build partnerships, and provide training to enhance wildfire mitigation and preparedness.

CMATs are designed to help communities build sustainable local capacity for community wildfire mitigation during high-risk times when awareness for risk reduction and likelihood of action is the highest. With the increasing threat of wildfire across the Southwest, it is essential that communities take proactive steps to mitigate risk and build resilience. By partnering with the CMATs, you can take advantage of the support and resources to realize a more fire adapted future.

To learn more about the program, please visit

The team hopes to see you on March 3rd and looks forward to working with you to protect our communities from wildfire.

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Winter Webinar: Revitalizing Membership in the Learning Network
2:00 PM14:00

Winter Webinar: Revitalizing Membership in the Learning Network

Hello FAC NM readers!

On January 18, 2023, FAC NM will host an interactive webinar on the network’s revitalized membership structure and improved tools, resources, and facilitation for peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.

Join us for this community-based presentation where Gabe Kohler of the Forest Stewards Guild will discuss:

  • new levels of involvement in the learning network,

  • upcoming workshops and grants available to members, and

  • future plans for network growth and other continual learning opportunities.

When: Wednesday, January 18 at 2:00pm Mountain Time
Where: Zoom and FAC NM Facebook Live
What: An interactive webinar with FAC NM and the Forest Stewards Guild

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9:00 AM09:00

Calf Canyon/Hermit's Peak Volunteer Work Days

Join Hermit’s Peak Watershed Alliance’s staff up in the Gallinas Canyon each Saturday throughout the summer to help private landowners with flood mitigation, soil stabilization and erosion control and seeding to restore plant cover. This is all about neighbors helping neighbors!

Can’t make it this Saturday, but you’d like to help on another crew? Sign up at

Date: Saturday, July 2

Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon

Location: Take Route 65 up the canyon to approximately mile post 13; look for the HPWA Project signs on the right-hand side of the road.

What to Bring: Wear heavy boots, a hat and sunscreen. Bring your water bottle, work gloves and a lunch, if you’d like. All tools, materials and seed will be provided.


Youth should be 16 years old and accompanied by parent or legal guardian.

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Webinar: Cost-Benefit Review of Protecting Water Supplies
12:00 PM12:00

Webinar: Cost-Benefit Review of Protecting Water Supplies

The Southwest Fire Science Consortium (SWFSC) is hosting researcher Dr. Kelly Jones for a webinar presentation titled
Denver Water and US Forest Service spent over $60 million to protect Denver’s water supply. Did it work?

Who: Dr. Kelly Jones, Associate Professor of Ecological Economics with Colorado State University, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

When: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11am AZ / 12pm MDT

Where: virtual webinar via Zoom

A dark plume of wildfire smoke billows up above a

A smoke plume from the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire in northern Colorado. Photo by Kelly Jones.

What: Collaboratively-funded fuel treatments are becoming more common in the western U.S. to proactively address wildfire impacts. Water utilities often play an important role in these collaborations and are motivated by the significant impact that wildfire has on source water protection. In this webinar, Dr. Jones will present research which provides insight on how the economic returns from proactive wildfire mitigation could be improved. She and her team produced an economic assessment of Denver’s Forests to Faucets partnership, a collaboration which invested >$60 million in wildfire mitigation projects between 2011 and 2019. The research, combining wildfire modeling, sediment modeling, and primary and secondary data on economic values, quantified the impact of the actual investments on multiple values at risk. Large benefits to source water protection and other values at risk resulted from these proactive investments but the benefits only exceed the costs of funding wildfire mitigation under certain conditions.

This webinar is intended for an audience of practitioners, land managers, researchers, and others with a vested interest in fire science, natural resource management, water protections, and the wildland-urban interface.

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Webinar: Pre-planning for fire operations and response - PODs
6:00 PM18:00

Webinar: Pre-planning for fire operations and response - PODs

The Presentation

Are you curious about how land managers plan for wildfire risk in their forest treatments or how fire managers figure out how to respond when a wildfire is actively burning? If so, please join us for a 60-minute webinar where speakers Kit O’Connor and Tyler Beeton will discuss a powerful mapping and pre-planning tool called Potential Operational Delineations, or PODs. PODs incorporates a risk management approach, local knowledge of the land, and existing barriers to fire to develop logical landscape-scale wildfire response options before fires spark. Register now to learn about how this tool is being used to plan for forest treatments and wildfire response across the landscape. You can attend the webinar via Zoom, or tune in on the FACNM Facebook Live page.

The Speakers

Headshot of Kit O'Connor in the field

Kit O’Connor, Research Ecologist, USDA Rocky Mountain Research Station - Human Dimensions Program: Wildfire Risk Management Science Team
Kit’s primary research interest is in bridging the human and ecosystem dimensions of fire management; including the use of pre-fire planning and operational decision support analytics to promote ecosystem restoration and resilience, safe and effective suppression response, and sustainable forest and fire management systems. Kit is an analytics lead for the National Risk Management Assistance Program for large wildfire management and a core member of the PODs strategic fire planning team. The team is currently working with more than 60 national forests, three states and, numerous other public and private land managers to develop and implement sustainable fire management plans. Originally from Edmonds, WA, Kit has a B.S. in Entomology from Penn State University, M.S. in Biology from The University of Quebec at Montreal, and a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Management from The University of Arizona. He is recipient of the 2019 RMRS Science Delivery Award and 2020 forest Service Deputy Chief’s Award for Science Delivery. Kit lives in Missoula, Montana where he enjoys trail running, mountain biking, and family campouts with his wife, daughters, and three dogs.

More on Kit’s research and work can be found here.

Headshot of Tyler Beeton smiling in front of a brick wall

Tyler Beeton, Research Associate III, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI)
Tyler is a collaborative decision-support program manager, which includes managing, contributing to, and evaluating collaborative adaptive management processes with project partners and stakeholders. He leads social science assessments of landscape-scale collaborative forestry projects, coordinates and facilitates Potential Operational Delineation (PODs) workshops and evaluates how PODs and Risk Management Assistance products are used in incident and non-incident management contexts. Tyler holds an M.A. in anthropology, and he is working toward a PhD in Ecology and Human-Environment Interactions at Colorado State University.

More on Tyler’s research can be found here.

PODs logo

Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) was co-developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station Wildfire Risk Management Science (WRMS) Team to pre-plan for fire and to give land managers a formal process for developing landscape-scale wildfire response options before fires start. PODs are spatial units or containers defined by potential control features, such as roads and ridge tops, within which relevant information on forest conditions, ecology, and fire potential can be summarized.

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Webinar: Community-based Wildfire Risk Reduction
6:00 PM18:00

Webinar: Community-based Wildfire Risk Reduction

The Presentation

Join us as we celebrate National Wildfire Preparedness Day by discussing advances in home wildfire risk assessments! In this 60-minute webinar, Chris Barth and James Meldrum from the Wildfire Research (WiRē) Team will speak about their recent publication on parcel-level risk. Their presentation will focus on the paired rapid assessment/household survey approach that the WiRē team has employed with partners and communities across the West. They will also discuss the effect home hazard assessments have on reducing the risk of property destruction and the importance of community-level risk reduction to address risk-spillovers across neighboring properties. Log on to learn more about reducing home hazard risk at the community level! Register now to attend the webinar via Zoom or tune in on the FACNM Facebook Live page.

The Speakers

Headshot of Chris Barth smiling for the camera in yellow fire-retardant nomex and a red hardhat

Chris Barth, Fire Mitigation Specialist, BLM-Montana/Dakotas Fire & Aviation Management
Chris works with the public, internal and external partners, elected officials, and the media to communicate fire management strategies and disaster response, planning, and fire adaptation concepts. Chris has received several national awards for his work to reduce community wildfire risk. He is a founding member and subject matter expert for the Wildfire Research (WiRē) Team - with research interests in homeowners’ attitudes towards wildfire mitigation and public perception of wildfire risk. He has co-authored papers on homeowners’ attitudes towards wildfire mitigation and public perception of wildfire risk. He has also presented at national and international conferences related to his work in this field.

Chris has worked in fire management for more than 30 years. He is a Public Information Officer (PIO) on a Type 1 incident management. As a PIO, Chris’ communication style is shaped by his operational, professional, and research experiences. 

More on Chris’ research can be found here.

Headshot of James Meldrum smiling for the camera wearing a puffy jacket in front of red stone cliffs

James Meldrum, Research Economist, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
James Meldrum is an applied research economist with the USGS’s Social and Economic Analysis branch in Fort Collins, CO. James is a founding member of the Wildfire Research (WiRē) Team, a long-standing collaboration between wildfire risk mitigation practitioners and social science researchers. Through more than 10 years of this partnership, he has published numerous journal articles on mitigating the risks of wildland fire. In addition to his work with the WiRē Team, James investigates the effects of natural resource decisions on people in numerous contexts, including fuels and fire management, ecosystem restoration, electricity generation, and the management of invasive species.

More on James’ research can be found here.

Logo of the wildfire research center

The Wildfire Research (WiRē) Team brings diverse expertise in economics, sociology, and wildfire risk mitigation to a multiyear research project on homeowner wildfire risk mitigation and community wildfire adaptedness.

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Prescribed Burn Observer Opportunity near Thoreau, NM
8:45 AM08:45

Prescribed Burn Observer Opportunity near Thoreau, NM

You’re invited to join the Forest Stewards Guild as a prescribed burn observer!

UPDATE: due to unfavorable weather conditions, this burn has been postponed until the autumn. Thank you to all of those who expressed interest in joining us, and please keep an eye on this events webpage for future burn observer opportunities!

Join us for a guided field tour of a prescribed broadcast burn and restoration work being carried out on private-owned land within the Zuni Mountains landscape. Forestry and fire practitioners will respond to your questions and share information about how the burn is being implemented, what we hope to accomplish, and the implications for resilience in the forested landscape. You may access a news release with additional details on the burn here.

If you have an interest in forest health, wildfire risk mitigation, ongoing restoration efforts, or are curious about what goes into a prescribed burn but lack the necessary fire training to be involved first-hand, please consider attending! Observers will be escorted on the burn by qualified personnel. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to register below.

DATE: tentatively April 7-8 (weather-dependent and subject to change)

SAFETY: Participants will be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment to safely visit the burn site.


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