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Webinar: Community Navigators Program

Image courtesy of CNP facilitator, the Hispanic Access Foundation

Join Gabe Kohler of the Forest Stewards Guild and Emery Cowan of The Watershed Center to learn about the Community Navigators Program. This nationally-organized and locally-led effort pairs trained individuals in the community, called Navigators, with underserved, rural, and vulnerable populations to learn about fire and climate preparedness and increase local capacity to secure funding and respond to these challenges. Emery will introduce the intent of the Program at a national scale and discuss organizations involved in facilitating the CNP, while Gabe will get into the details of how CNP may be accessed and applied within New Mexico. Tune-in to this this 1-hour webinar to learn about the Program and find out how you can get involved!

What: Webinar on the newly-launch Community Navigators Program, hosted by FACNM
: Friday, March 29 from 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Zoom; registration is required and a recording will be available
Who: Open to the community with presenters Gabe Kohler and Emery Cowan

This presentation is the first in the FACNM Spring 2024 webinar series.