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Bi-Monthly Connection Call for Members & Leaders

Hello FACNM Members and Leaders! 


Join us on Wednesday, March 27th from 2:30-3:30 PM (MST) for this interactive peer call. We will review what came out of our last connection call, discuss Wildfire Preparedness Day/Month events, the difference between Firewise and FAC, social vulnerability, and leave time for a round robin.

The link to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed to all network members in the weeks leading up to the call.

If you're not able to join the call, remember that you can always connect with other members and leaders through the member directory.

These connection calls are a resource offered to members of the FACNM learning network. If you are interested in participating in a call but are not yet a member, apply here!

Earlier Event: February 24
Bernalillo County Pile Burn Workshop