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Webinar: The Skinny on Smoke - Outlooks, Education and Awareness

Where there is fire there is smoke, and where there is smoke there are potential impacts on air quality!

How do we know when, where, and for how long our communities are likely to be exposed?

In this one-hour presentation, Air Quality Specialist Kerry Jones will discuss various facets of smoke projections, including what goes into generating seasonal outlooks and fire weather forecasts, the weather conditions that are most conducive to fire and to smoke, and how determinations of air quality are made along with the decision to send air quality advisory alerts out to the public.

A heavy yellow-grey cloud of smoke obscures the sky over a field of golden wheat, with a sliver of unobscured daylight visible on the horizon

A smoke cloud from the 2018 California Camp Fire obscures the daylight over wheat fields near Highway 5.

Please join us to learn about the operational side of smoke forecasting, followed by a facilitated Q&A session where attendees may pose their questions to the presenter.

When: Thursday, March 16th from 2-3pm MT
Where: Zoom and FACNM Facebook Live
Who: Kerry Jones, USFS Air Quality Specialist

Additional upcoming events on smoke readiness

March 22 at 2pm: Smoke Resources Learning Exchange
FAC NM bi-monthly leaders call on Smoke Resources. FAC NM facilitators and leaders will discuss smoke impacts on community health and review resources for equitable smoke preparedness. To join the conversation, consider becoming a FAC NM Leader.

March 21 at 12pm: Strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities
The SW and NW Fire Science Consortiums and Forest Stewards Guild present a one-hour webinar with USFS speaker Rick Graw on proactive and adaptive land management strategies to reduce wildfire smoke in frequently impacted communities. This webinar focuses on research from the Pacific Northwest but is applicable to land managers and fire adapted communities practitioners everywhere.