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Webinar: State of the State - 2023 Forestry Division updates, Wildfire Defense Grants, and fire preparedness resources

On Thursday, May 11th, Jacob Pederson with NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department – Forestry Division will join FAC NM to discuss the role of Forestry Division before, during, and after fire.

To hear about the Prescribed Fire Act and certified burner training, Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) summer proposal preparation, and how the Forestry Division is innovating, leading, and staying involved with fire preparedness and recovery efforts, please register below or join us on Facebook Live. This webinar is presented in concert with EMNRD.

When: 11 May at 3:00pm MDT
Where: Zoom, FACNM Facebook Live, and EMNRD Facebook Live
Who: NM Forestry Division and FACNM