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Partner webinar: An Evolution in Thinking About Fire - A Panel Discussion

Please join the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, the Southern Rockies Fire Science Network, and partners from the San Juan National Forest and the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station for a panel discussion about an evolution in thinking about fire!

In 2023, fire managers on the San Juan National Forest in southern CO and their partners faced many of the same challenges they face every summer; however, this fire season, they chose to react differently. By embracing different ways of thinking about fire and communicating difficult tradeoffs effectively with partners, forest officials improved relationships and aligned support through several large, long duration events. In this 90-minute panel discussion, SJNF fire managers follow up on a just-released documentary video of the same name to reflect on 2023 fire response decisions and discuss how reflexive thinking obscured certain management opportunities. Their experience models ‘an evolution,’ a shift toward more nuanced, risk-informed, and strategic fire response, and it informs ongoing research around fire and risk decisions. This panel discussion provides an opportunity to engage with these managers and learn from their experience and shift toward more nuanced, risk-informed, and strategic fire response.

Prior to joining us on May 16, please watch the full ‘Evolution in Thinking’ video around which this presentation is centered.

What : Panel discussion with fire managers and staff from the San Juan National Forest about shifts in thinking that are changing the way the forest approaching fire management and response.
: Thursday, May 16, 2:30-4:00 Mountain Time
Where : Zoom; register here
Who : panelists include Josh Peck, Pagosa District Ranger; Pat Seekins, Fuels Program Manager; Tracy Milakovic, Pagosa Fire Management Officer; Lorena Williams, Public Affairs Specialist; Dana Guinn, Southwest Partnership Manager (Forest Stewards Guild)

This webinar is co-hosted by the Arizona Wildfire Initiative