Wildfire Risk Reduction Grants available through New Mexico Counties! — Fire Adapted NM

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Wildfire Risk Reduction Grants available through New Mexico Counties!

New Mexico Counties is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Wildfire Risk Reduction for Rural Communities Grant Program. Funding for this program is provided by the National Fire Plan through the Department of the Interior/Bureau of Land Management for communities in the wildland urban interface that may be impacted by fire initiating from or spreading to BLM public land in New Mexico. 

The three funding categories are 1) outreach and education projects that encourage reducing wildfire risk on private lands and can show a direct benefit to BLM lands (awards up to $10k/project); 2) CWPP updates for plans that are older than five years (awards up to $15k/project); and 3) hazardous fuel reduction projects focusing on treatment to private lands with direct benefit to BLM lands (awards up to $50k/project). Hazardous fuel reduction projects must be developed with and approved by your local BLM fire or fuel staff, so make sure to reach out to these people early in the application process. Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.

Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like support developing proposal ideas.


·        Fuel reduction treatment application

·        Outreach and education project application

·        CWPP application

