Upcoming events: FACNM spring webinars! — Fire Adapted NM

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Upcoming events: FACNM spring webinars!

FACNM’s spring webinar series is happening March-May 2024!

Join us on April 16 and May 22!

Tuesday, April 16, 12:00-1:00pm MT

Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs): What they are, why they matter, and how to write them
Join FACNM for this this 1-hour webinar on Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs)! Gabe Kohler of the Forest Stewards Guild, Abigail Plecki of New Mexico State Forestry Division, and Kenzie Hartt of The Ember Alliance will introduce the basics of CWPPs, discuss the importance of having a local plan with community input, talk about guidelines and best practices, and review resources and assistance for writing a CWPP. Come with your questions to learn more about Community Wildfire Protection Plans and access guiding resources for your CWPP publication or update!

Wednesday, May 22, 12:00-1:00pm MT

Home Hazard Assessments: Back to Basics: how to assess your property’s wildfire hazard, why knowing your risk matters, and how to talk to your neighbors about collective resilience
In this webinar from Fire Adapted Communities NM, knowledgeable fire and forestry professionals from New Mexico and Colorado will introduce an important fire risk and readiness tool: Home Hazard Assessments (HHAs). Topics covered will include guidance and digital and printed tools to complete HHAs, local partners who can guide the process or travel to complete HHAs on-site alongside property owners and residents, how different Assessment programs are structured, why HHAs are an important fire readiness tool, how county ordinances and insurance providers can influence the need for HHAs, and what opportunities may open up as a result of completing them. Join us on May 22 to learn about Home Hazard Assessment and find out how you can access this tool!

Visit the FACNM Events page to learn more about these webinars and to stay up to date on all of our events, including webinars, workshops, member calls, conferences, and more! Recordings of all FACNM webinars can also be found on the FACNM YouTube page.
