4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference - Save the Date! — Fire Adapted NM

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4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference - Save the Date!

The Southwest Fire Science Journey: Lessons from the Rearview, New and Unfamiliar Routes, and Promising Horizons

November 18-22, 2024 // Santa Fe, NM // La Fonda on the Plaza

To learn more about the conference, visit https://swfireconference.org

The Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Arizona Wildfire Initiative, and the Association for Fire Ecology invite your participation in the 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference this November! This event is a gathering space for aspiring and established professionals to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest advancements in fire ecology research and management with a focus on the future of the southwestern United States. Save the date and plan to attend for a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues in the field and engage in stimulating discussions that will help shape the emerging profession and growing field of fire ecology in this region. The call for proposals is open now and registration opens on July 1; see other important dates.

Call for Proposals is now open

The Call for Proposals is now open for workshops, special sessions, fire circle discussions, oral presentations, and poster presentations. With the conference theme, The Southwest Fire Science Journey: Lessons from the Rearview, New and Unfamiliar Routes, and Promising Horizons, the group seeks to gain a better understanding of the past, present, and future of fire ecology and management in this region. The group invites proposals on topics related to fire ecology, science, and management with a focus on results and lessons learned that are applicable to the Southwest.

Proposal Due Dates:

To submit a proposal or to learn more, visit https://swfireconference.org/cfp/

  • May 15: Proposals Due for Special Sessions and Workshops

  • July 15: Proposals Due for Oral Presentations

  • August 15: Proposals Due for Poster Presentations and Meetings/Activities

The Theme: Past, Present, and Future

Lessons from the Rearview, New and Unfamiliar Routes, and Promising New Horizons

As wildland fire scientists, managers, educators, and students in the Southwest, we find ourselves in an era of rapid change and in need of new approaches, well-planned investments, and meaningful collaborations. Typical land and fire management strategies no longer suffice in the face of escalating challenges posed by more intense fires and the impacts of climate change on precipitation patterns and temperatures. While recent and substantial investments aim to tackle these issues, they often operate on timelines that are misaligned with natural processes. Simultaneously, a cultural shift is imperative—one that recognizes our integral connection to fire-prone lands, embraces the evolving reality of wildfire and ecosystem transition, and equally respects the knowledge held by Indigenous and land grant communities of the Southwest.

Smoke column over I-5 on November 8, day 1 of the 2018 Camp Fire.

At this pivotal juncture, AFE and its partners advocate for a reflective pause to better understand the past, present, and future of the fire science journey in the southwestern US. The integration of past insights with modern approaches is paramount as we invest in creating resilient landscapes and peoples of tomorrow.

The following topics will be of special interest and focus during this year’s conference:

  • Biodiversity and fire

  • Climate adaptation

  • Collaborative and cross-jurisdictional case studies

  • Cultural fire

  • Education and workforce development

  • Fire-adapted communities and Firewise

  • Invasive species and fire

  • Lessons learned in science and management

  • Planning for resilience in uncertain future

  • Post-fire recovery
