Happening tomorrow: A Public Event to Become Fire Adapted! — Fire Adapted NM

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Happening tomorrow: A Public Event to Become Fire Adapted!

Ready, Set, Go! A Wildfire Preparedness Workshop

Saturday, April 27th, 10 am – 1 pm
Christ Church Santa Fe, 1213 Don Gaspar

Special Topic - How does the Threat of Fire Affect Your Homeowner’s Insurance?

Join us TOMORROW, April 27, at the family-friendly Ready, Set, Go! Wildfire Preparedness Workshop! Learn from experts, enjoy refreshments, and spend some time in community taking positive steps to build a Fire Adapted Community. Get information and help from the experts from the Fire Adapted New Mexico Learning Network, Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition, Forest Stewards Guild, City of Santa Fe Fire Department, Villages of Santa Fe, Christ Church Santa Fe, and AARP New Mexico. Doors open at 10:00 am and the event runs through 1:00 pm at Christ Church Santa Fe on the corner of Cordova and Don Gaspar. The workshops are free and open to the public and the site offers plenty of free parking.

Refreshments provided by the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Santa Fe.

Learn from the experts about:

Preparing your home for 2024 fire season

  • Conduct your own home assessment OR schedule a FREE assessment, complete with a mitigation work plan

  • Take positive steps that reduce the risk of your home igniting

  • Create a Fire Adapted Community based on your specific neighborhood

  • Understanding home insurance challenges in today’s market

Emergency Preparation

  • Get real-time alerts about wildfires and other emergencies in Santa Fe

  • Create a ‘Go Kit’ with supplies and important family information

  • Prepare an emergency plan for your family

Wildfire Modeling

  • Simtable creates wildfire and smoke simulations to show how fire and smoke spread through communities and how a Fire Adapted Community can reduce risk.

Wildfire Science

  • Learn how a Fire Adapted Community can create a safe and resilient community where fire plays its natural role without destroying lives and property
